Wave Study

Wave Study

I have been working on waves for almost a year now.   Originally the waves were just a few sketches where I tried to create wave-like forms out of my 2D shapes but the designs never satisfied me.  In Australia I was testing two different 3D hexagon designs and I realized that I could take a half-icosahedron, fill in the reductions to elongate the shape, and my current wave design was born.  What I like about this wave design is that it can be convex, concave, or I could even fold it inside out to change the color of the paper.  In the final photo, the wave would continue out of the right and bottom.    

The 90 degree curve in this study was far more difficult to fold than I imagined.  The tensions were so high on the inside of the curve that one of the key central connections needed repair.  As the process of folding reduces each element (here 3 and 4-sided lilies) by around 50%,  it is critical for me to bring the accumulated tension to a point of rest as quickly as possible possible.  After all, my sculptures are held together by tiny paper(!) connections of no more than a few millimeters, so tension is and will always be, my enemy.

The full process photos can be found here!

Source: http://jenniferkuczenski.com